Supporting Sustainable Development Goals for a Global Energy Company

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Client's Problem: The world's largest energy firm, valued at over USD 440 billion, faced the formidable task of aligning its operations with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This endeavor encompassed reducing carbon emissions, conserving biodiversity, managing a sustainable supply chain, promoting innovation, managing risks, and creating long-term value. Addressing these multifaceted challenges required a dependable partner. Global Market Estimates (GME) stepped in to assist with a dedicated team of analysts, providing comprehensive strategies and data-driven insights. Our collaboration empowered the energy giant to make informed decisions, address immediate challenges, and establish a foundation for continuous improvement, thereby setting new industry standards.


Solution Description: Global Market Estimates (GME) provided the energy company with a professional team of Oil & Gas domain research experts.

  • Our holistic strategy aimed to tackle all aspects of the client's sustainability goals
  • Using data-driven market research tools, we helped the company lower their carbon footprint, preserve biodiversity, and establish a sustainable supply chain
  • Additionally, we provided insights on fostering innovation, managing risks, and ensuring long-term value creation


Engaging Narrative: Our collaboration with the energy company began with a thorough examination of their current procedures and identifying areas where considerable improvements may be made. 

  • Through thorough analysis, we identified effective measures to reduce carbon emissions across various industries and operations
  • A comprehensive plan was formulated to help the organization reach its carbon reduction targets through advanced analytics and sustainability frameworks
  • Biodiversity conservation was also a key focus. Working closely with environmental departments, we pinpointed areas where operating activities posed risks to biodiversity
  • Our primary interviews yielded valuable insights for protecting these sites and meeting global biodiversity standards


Our efforts to promote a sustainable supply chain included a detailed examination of the company's suppliers.

  • Leveraging our vendor landscape analysis method, we established criteria for assessing sustainability practices and recommended partnerships with eco-conscious companies. This not only improved the company's supply chain sustainability but also set a benchmark for industry best practices

Use of Data and Evidence: Throughout our engagement: 

  • We conducted extensive secondary research and in-depth interviews to thoroughly understand competitors' carbon emissions metrics
  • We validated insights on biodiversity conservation through detailed discussions with environmentalists, industry leaders, and subject matter experts
  • To ensure supply chain sustainability, we performed a comprehensive competitive landscape analysis on suppliers to verify their compliance with sustainability standards


Conclusion: Our collaboration empowered the energy company to make informed business decisions aligned with their environmental goals. Our data-centric approach addressed immediate concerns and laid the groundwork for future progress. By making strides in reducing carbon emissions, protecting biodiversity, and ensuring a sustainable supply chain, the company set a new industry standard. This partnership underscored the critical role of informed decision-making in advancing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Through our efforts, the company not only met its environmental targets but also demonstrated leadership in sustainability, setting a benchmark for others in the energy sector to follow.

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